The Digital Marketer Traffic and Convergence conference was just as amazing this year as it was last year! I was again blown away by the greatness, knowledge & inspiration! And
2017 Winter Celebration IMPACT Awards
Last week marks the 1st annual WBENC Holiday Showcase / Impact Awards, the finishing touch on a long string of amazing end of year events we’ve participated in this month.
Spalicious – OSM Show 2017
Sita Couture’s 2nd annual Organic Spa Magazine show was just as lively and amazing as the 1st, but this time was even more intimate because relationships from last year’s show are now a year stronger!
SITA Kills it On Runway
SITA Couture rocked the opening of STYLE Fashion Week at the Pacific Design Center this past Sunday. STYLE Fashion Week presented the season’s must see designers, incredible shows,